
Thursday 16 April 2015

Change is good.....

The last 2 weeks have been filled with ups & downs, pros & cons, laughter & worry but in the end I have to embrace the changes coming my way.
A couple of weeks ago my husband was offered a promotion that would require us to leave the city we have lived in for the majority of our lives and move 3 hours north. I know, I know....its only 3 hours! I could come back every week to see my family, friends & hang out with my crafty peeps.
Which I will probably do.....A LOT!

Deep Breath. Change is good and thank goodness there are a lot of fabulous paper craft stores in the city where I am moving too! Hello Treasured Memories, Scrap & Bean & Urban Scrapbook! You are going to be my new bestest friends!

Changes. I am a crafter. With a craft room. With lots of crafty things in a lot of crafty storage containers. Our new place will be a condo. Much smaller. Leaving me with a much, much smaller craft space. Changes.

I'm going to need to be very creative with storage options that are functional, economical & most important of all, nice to look at. 

I found this in my garage. 

Why I have it & what I was originally going to do with it has long been forgotten but I think it would make a cool little storage box. Changes.

So long little rooster box ~ It's time to become a beautiful butterfly.

Stay tuned for the storage box reveal! 

p.s. for those of you who are wondering what is going to become of Paradise Lost Crops...fear not! Heather & I will be back in the fall with one day crops. You can't get rid of me that easily! 

~~stay crafty~~



  1. I'm excited for you to bring me stuff!

    1. I will be your "dealer" ~ we will meet in parking lots to exchange band of stuff & cash. Nothing suspicious with that at all. ;)


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