Hello my crafty friends! Welcome to my blog. As you can see by my lack of posts, the warmer the weather gets the less I craft. It's just too darn nice outside!
I am here to share another altered book....this one more of a diorama style.
I was inspired by this quote:
'I don't want to just read books, I want to crawl inside of them and live there.'

I love books.....all kinds of books but especially the old ones. The yellowed, musty pages and just so lovely. For this project I chose a 50 year old book on the "Principals of Economics". Snoresville, am I right? Perfect for taking an x-acto knife to and cutting a rectangle shape through the cover and about 2/3rds of the the way through the book.
I glued into my book a lovely forest scene from another old book that belongs to my craft bestie -
Nicole Wright. I also borrowed her set of Stabilo 3 in 1 Woody Pencils to watercolour in my forest scene. These pencils are fantastic and keep their gorgeous bright colours even after they dry!
Once this was dry I closed the book and used a white glue to seal all the edges of the book. A giant clip helped hold everything together while the glue dried.
Once everything was dry I started building my scene with moss, and pieces of wood from my stash. I added a few Tiny Tattered Flowers and Leaves and some Paper Dolls.
The quote that inspired this project was made using words I found in a couple of books I had.
I am so please with how this turned out. Another home decor item to add to my book shelf.